Your generative sofa industry
GARAVINI S.r.l. is a B2B European Upholstery Design Industry. which operates internationally with some of the most important Purchasing Groups, Distributors and Retailers of the sector. An entity recognized for the dynamic interconnection between Product and Service, where the meaning of the product passes through inclusive and fluid logics, together capable of generating an entrepreneurial reality constantly listening.

The Founder

Mind, pencil and hands of the beginning of this project is Vanni Garavini. Born in 1971, he studied as a trumpet player at the Ravenna Conservatory. In this period of his life, around the age of 18, he encountered a parallel project to his musical one: the possibility of learning how to build and design Sofas. Vanni seized on this experience and from that moment on, the "score" of his inclinations and talents, both technical and managerial, paved the way for what is today the GARAVINI's INDUSTRY. His design skills led him to develop models of Sofas, armchairs and upholstered accessories for many well-known industries in the sector, until the day he decided to invest in the creation of his Flagship Line "GARAVINI home". In a contemporary generative key, he redeveloped a structure located in the Industrial District of the City of Forlì, investing in padded furniture with a European and multimodal attitude.
The Founder

Mind, pencil and hands of the beginning of this project is Vanni Garavini. Born in 1971, he studied as a trumpet player at the Ravenna Conservatory.
In this period of his life, around the age of 18, he encountered a parallel project to his musical one: the possibility of learning how to build and design Sofas.
Vanni seized on this experience and from that moment on, the "score" of his inclinations and talents, both technical and managerial, paved the way for what is today the GARAVINI's INDUSTRY. His design skills led him to develop models of Sofas, armchairs and upholstered accessories for many well-known industries in the sector, until the day he decided to invest in the creation of his Flagship Line "GARAVINI Home".
In a contemporary generative key, he redeveloped a structure located in the Industrial District of the City of Forlì, investing in padded furniture with a European and multimodal attitude.
Our Work
Whe study what we do, because we love what we do
04 Manifesto
At GARAVINI home we believe in an Innovative Transition towards a New Tradition.

Business Apparatus and Private Apparatus compose a unique and indissoluble physiology, they tell of a healthy and high-performance bond with the most modern production and design strategies which, TOGETHER, create a contemporary Industry capable of reading the investment behavior of the Business Sector which is aimed at our B2B Corporate.
The GARAVINI's style is made of essential shapes and sensitive materials.
A structured allure, never too minimalist, soft but well defined in the geometries of the volumes, deconstructed and glamour, Scandinavian oriented, multicultural, industrial, fascinated by technology but always and in any case, of a casual-chic nature.
Design coherence and a strong sensitivity towards other product languages, such as fashion and lighting, accompany the GARAVINI's customer in a reality that does not fear the speed of the passage of fashions but which, on the other hand, enhances their transformation and adaptability , making time and taste an ally of style.
Wood, steel, elastic belts, fabrics, leather and ornamental decorations are, together with many others, the ingredients that make up the main course of our corporate nourishment..
Partnership with suppliers committed to protecting production processes in a green wayallow us to field Products of higher quality than competitors active in the segment that commercially represents us.
Where Earth, Land and Territory are essential elements, to describe the elegance of GARAVINI home,
Because Class is like Water, it should never be wasted.
Each Sofahas its own interpretation.
Because you, SOFA, are worth..
At “GARAVINI home” we believe in an Innovative Transition towards a New Tradition.
Our B2B Method
Just as a painter starts with a blank canvas to create their artwork, we start with a 'blank space' to generate our product line. A product that responds to different sensitivities reference markets, they create for each B2B Partnership a completely customized Project, where the guiding element is the value of shared work, capable of bringing to life products and services entirely dedicated to the most demanding clientele. Where the 'blank space' is tinged each time with countless and refined shades.
In GARAVINI, B2B Client finds himself faced with a European Productive Company that has been able to implement a "WIN-WIN" collaboration method, therefore open, constructive and flexible, capable of listening to the needs of each different market that is analyzed, in a responsive manner, through the design and art-industrial production, of Sofà Models specifically dedicated to those reference segments. This means that the B2B customer is faced with a pool of internal skills, which is rare in this sector
Because at GARAVINI, we practice CREATIVITY.
Every mood, every moment, every state of mind. What you feel should have an expression in what you surround yourself with . Follow your heart and be true to your soul. Everything else will fall into place.
It welcomes the Business Customer within a FlagShip/ATELIER with a metropolitan, widespread and immersive attitude.
A contemporary, modular, flexible, emotional and sensorial professional space, where the sofa is the protagonist of a style story that is the very expression of the GARAVINI's philosophy.
The coexistence between our Industry Line, "GARAVINI home" and our new Brand, GRVN, determines a "modularity" of commercial intentions aimed at interconnection between the many different types of Business Customers.
Ours, are two complementary lines that can be integrated with each other.
An example of this is our FlagShip/ATELIER.
Because maintaining contact with the plurality of needs and reading purchasing behavior, allows us to calibrate the logic of each of our Products, with a mood that is always attentive to the changes of the Business User.
Our sense of being a Contemporary Corporate is precisely this, "staying with and in time", to read its requests and to respond to B2B markets in a responsive, faithful and transparent manner.
We study what we do, because we love what we do
Contact us@garavinihome.it
European Upholstery Manufacturer
Sofà Lab, Academy
Contract & Hospitality
Concept Store and Multilevel Retail